Paris Avenue/Easton Street Roundabout, Stark County, Ohio
The Stark County Engineer hired DLZ to study and design improvements to the Paris Avenue/Easton Street intersection in Nimishillen Township. The roadways are part of the County rural highway network and have speed limits from 45 to 55 mph. These improvements were necessary to mitigate current and potential safety issues due to substandard intersection and approach geometrics. Paris/Easton was a two-way stop with a severely skewed intersection angle.
DLZ performed a traffic study examining a range of improvement options. From this study, DLZ determined the intersection had unwarranted left-turn lanes and traffic signals due to low traffic volumes. The options for Paris/Easton were to realign Paris Avenue to provide better intersection geometrics and install a four-way stop or a roundabout. DLZ assisted the County in extensive public involvement to present the options to adjacent property owners and the general public.
The County chose to proceed with a roundabout at the Paris Avenue/Easton Street intersection. Using our in-house staff, DLZ conducted the detailed field survey and subsurface investigation, followed by the preparation of the contract plan sets including the roadway improvements, maintenance-of-traffic, signing and pavement marking, drainage design, lighting, Categorical Exclusion Level 2, and right-of-way. During the development of the plan set, the County requested landscape plans for the roundabout central island. The County also requested for decorative lighting to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the area.