Grade Separation Study and Gateway Design, Mishawaka

DLZ provided railroad, highway and utility design engineering, for the Downtown District of Mishawaka. Project scope covered the north-south corridor grade separation study of arterial routes and gateway into Downtown. Other services offered include landscape architecture, survey, right-of-way engineering, environmental services, and construction inspection services.

To begin with, DLZ gathered railroad, highway traffic/accident data, utility, topographic, right-of-way, and environmental data from governmental and other sources. Then, used the data to prepare preliminary underpass, overpass designs, and studied the physical and environmental impacts of each. Finally, on completing these analyses, developed the design and construction documents for the final preferred alternative.

Apart from the new railroad bridge, temporary railroad runaround, and approximately 2,200’ of roadway construction, DLZ addressed aesthetic site aspects. Hence, they studied adjacent neighborhood character, similar local transportation projects, and the opportunity to merge the functionality with community beautification. The large expanse of retaining walls required for the project were constructed with cast-in-place concrete, cantilever retaining wall with aesthetic facing panels and modular block retaining walls. Additional streetscape elements included alternative pavements and decorative rail, gates and fencing to complement the character of two adjacent historical cemeteries. DLZ also developed plans for irrigated landscape plantings to withstand the roadway conditions and soften the impact of the new construction along the new Main Street corridor.


Landscape Architecture & Planning


Local and State Governments


Mishawaka, Indiana