DLZ joins community leaders, businesses, and advocacy organizations participating in Imagine a Day Without Water, in an effort to educate the public about the water infrastructure crisis currently facing the United States. Organized by the Value of Water Coalition, hundreds of organizations across the country will partake in events today aimed at raising awareness about the crucial need for investment to ensure that no community in America is left without water and the infrastructure that brings it to and from homes and businesses.
DLZ recognizes that an investment in our drinking water and wastewater systems is essential to securing a bright and prosperous future for generations to come.
The problems our drinking water and wastewater systems face are multi-faceted. Each community faces distinct challenges and will require locally-crafted solutions to solve their biggest water problems. Drought, flooding, infrastructure failure, sewer overflows, poor water quality, and climate change are stressing our water and wastewater systems. In some communities, families and businesses have experienced the impossible struggle of a day without water. Imagine A Day Without Water tells their stories, as well as the stories of innovative solutions to our nation’s water challenges, so that no one ever has to experience another day without water.
A water main breaks somewhere in America every two minutes. The American Society of Civil Engineers gave a grade of “D” to our drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. Without further investments, these systems will experience more frequent failures and disruptions as they try to keep up with the needs of both the modern metropolises and rural and agricultural areas they serve.
Click here to find out how you can help raise awareness about the crucial need to invest in our water infrastructure.
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