DLZ Receives ACEC Engineering Excellence Grand Award for OARS Project

DLZ received a 2018 Engineering Excellence Grand Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) for the Olentangy Scioto Interceptor Augmentation and Relief Sewer (OARS) project in Columbus, Ohio.

ACEC recognizes U.S. engineering firms for their most innovative projects and studies through their Engineering Excellence Awards program – the Academy Awards of the engineering industry – which honors the year’s most outstanding engineering accomplishments. In 2017, OARS received the ACEC of Ohio Outstanding Achievement Award.

DLZ designed the new OARS 20-foot diameter, 23,300-foot long tunnel that provides wet weather relief to the existing OSIS Sewer, the main combined sewer through downtown Columbus. The $370 million project is approximately 180 feet below downtown Columbus, and extends from the Arena District to the Jackson Pike Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Read more about OARS.

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