Steven Jones, PS, a Project Manager in our Burns Harbor, Indiana office, was invited to instruct a course at the 63rd Annual Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors (I.S.P.L.S.) Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana January 14 – 16, 2015. Jones will lead the Technician’s Program session “GPS Site Calibrations and Grid to Ground” on Thursday, January 15th at 8:00 a.m. This session informs surveyors about the various methods of GPS measurements and correction types providing licensed surveyors with a 1.5 CEU(Elective) opportunity.
Steve is licensed in eight states and a member of the original class of Certified Federal Surveyors, in addition to being a professor at Purdue’s Calumet campus teaching CET306-Construction Surveying.
To learn more about I.S.P.L.S. Convention, click here.
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