Blueprint Near South – Morrill Ann Area Green Infrastructure

Blueprint Near South – Morrill Ann Area Project is part of the city-wide initiative in Columbus, Ohio. It aims to stop rainwater from entering the sanitary sewer system through redirection and infrastructure improvements. The project area consists of 230-acres and 1,300 residential homes. The city wishes to address Sanitary Sewer Overflows and basement backups by removing inflow and infiltration (I/I) from sanitary sewers. DLZ will execute this goal by rehabilitating sewer pipes and laterals. In the Blueprint project, DLZ will also address the stormwater quality by redirecting residential roof drains. Additionally, the project will include installed sump pumps for residents to discharge stormwater into regional and local green infrastructure.

Phase I of the project will study the 230-acre area to determine which properties will have their roof drains redirected, and sump pumps installed. Local and regional green infrastructure will then be cited accordingly. Phase II will provide detailed construction drawings of the infrastructure established in the study area.

Design Components
DLZ is providing project management, field investigations, and surveying services, H&H modeling, preparation of the Preliminary Design Report, and detailed design services. The design of the project is currently in Phase I which includes field investigation and H&H modeling stage.




Local and State Governments


Columbus, Ohio