City of Piqua ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan
DLZ provided professional services to the City of Piqua to complete an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) review for compliance with Title II of the ADA. The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) requires local agencies to have a compliant ADA program to remain eligible for funding. The project involved multiple phases to logically break out the various major work tasks to allow the City to provide a budget over numerous years and to also permit staff to perform some tasks to reduce the project cost.
Phase 1 included evaluating all City facilities and parks, including 8 public buildings, several public parking lots in the downtown shopping district, over 12 miles of trails and greenways, and 15 park facilities. Park facilities varied from small neighborhood parks to large sports complexes, including the City Aquatic Facility. DLZ also provided City staff with training on the information needed to evaluate ROW facilities and formatting to allow DLZ to analyze compliance. The City will be responsible for collecting data for curb ramps, sidewalks, pedestrian signals, and on-street parking. Phase 2 scope includes evaluation of programs and policies for all City services and departments, public outreach via public notice and online survey, and review of ROW data collected by City staff. The project was delayed due to COVID-19, with scoping for Phase 3 completed in early 2021. Phase 3 will include DLZ evaluating pedestrian signals and on-street parking, a compilation of the results of earlier phases into the draft Transition Plan, a second phase of public outreach to review the draft Plan and public comment, and adoption of the final Transition Plan.