City of Columbus Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fueling Station Morse Road Facility

DLZ designed a new compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station for the City of Columbus. The Morse Road station is designed for fast filling of the City’s refuse collection fleet while providing fleet card or credit card high capacity public access fueling. It includes three 600 scfm (250 Hp) compressors, a single tower dryer, 140,000 scf storage, and six medium and high flow fast fill dispensers.

Our services began with a site assessment, which included reviewing the anticipated vehicle fueling demands for the site; selecting the appropriate sized CNG compressors and storage requirements; preparing site layout alternatives for a new CNG station fueling island and equipment yard; verifying site traffic patterns with AutoTURN; evaluating the electrical capacity needs for the site; determining the appropriate feed for electrical service with emergency power backup for the CNG station; and evaluating communication connections for the fuel management system and CCTV monitoring of the site.

Our team included Marathon Technical Services, a CNG infrastructure specialist firm. The scope of services included design and construction administration services, electrical, communications, plumbing and HVAC design, energy conservation measures design, standby power services, site lighting, security and camera system, access control systems, architectural, structural, and civil design, asphalt renovation services, field surveying, geotechnical, and special inspections/materials testing during construction.



Architecture, Construction Management Services


Local and State Governments


Columbus, Ohio