Former Michigan State Fairgrounds, Detroit

The City of Detroit Brownfield Redevelopment Authority retained DLZ Michigan for environmental assessment services at the former Michigan State Fairgrounds. DLZ performed Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), Geotechnical Investigation, Alta Survey, and Hazardous Material Surveys.

Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

DLZ completed phase I ESA on the entire 158-acre site following the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) guidelines (E1527-13). Adhering to these guidelines helps to identify any recognized environmental conditions (RECs) that would require additional investigation. Then followed Phase II ESA investigation of all identified RECs to determine if the release had occurred.  During the Phase II ESA, 121 soil borings were advanced, and the collected soil and groundwater samples were sent for laboratory analysis.

Asbestos Survey

DLZ utilized the State of Michigan Department of Consumer and Industry Services Accredited Asbestos Inspector. The NESHAP regulations require the Owner/Operator to use an accredited asbestos inspector to thoroughly inspect the affected facility. DLZ performs non-destructive sampling of the suspect homogenous areas that are inconspicuous to ensure no potential future fiber release occurs.

Hazardous Material Survey

DLZ completed hazardous material surveys on 28 buildings on the site that ranged in size from a single-story structure to a large multi-story arena. Finally, DLZ drafted detailed reports for each facility that identified all hazardous materials, quantities, and conditions for future demolition or renovation.




Local and State Governments


Detroit, Michigan