Hulman Field Master Plan for Space Utilization

Architectural and Engineering design services were provided for the Indiana Air National Guard for a new Master Plan for Space Utilization at Hulman Field. There are 27 structures on the base, larger than 1,000 sf and every one of them were affected by two new missions. Our team was asked to review all existing conditions, interview base staff and develop a new plan for Hulman Field. The new plan had to consider the new missions and existing site circulation issues, as well as the newer anti-terrorist rules, specifically the set-back requirements.

The two main goals of the Master Plan were to:

  • accommodate the new missions into the existing buildings; and
  • gain space for their existing mission requirements.

These goals had to be met with a Short-Term Plan, allowing for the construction of a new Command Building and an addition for the DGS mission that connected two buildings in order to create one new building with 60,000 square feet of area.




Federal Government


Terre Haute, Indiana