Stormwater Infrastructure and Survey for Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis

HKS, Inc. and the Capital Improvement Board of Managers of Marion County, Indiana, selected DLZ to provide surveying, utility coordination, and civil design services for the new 63,000-seat Lucas Oil Stadium located in downtown Indianapolis.

DLZ prepared a detailed topographic survey of the site. This survey included providing underground utilities analysis and performing confined space entry into a large underground culvert to obtain accurate interior dimensions. The survey also included exploratory excavations of underground structures. DLZ provided boundary surveying services during the property acquisition phase of the project. The boundary surveying phase included the establishment of permanent control monuments.

DLZ provided civil engineering services for this project, which included

  • Design of the stormwater drainage system and sanitary sewer services
  • Development of the mass excavation plan
  • The setting of preliminary grades to accommodate accessibility requirements
  • Determination and acquisition of State and local permit requirements
  • Coordination of utilities that require relocation or abandoning

The project site presented tremendous utility coordination challenges due to the presence of a 102” sanitary sewer interceptor, 96” x 240” twin-chamber box culvert, 12” high-pressure gas transmission main, and more than 20 fiber optic services crossing the project site.

An inverted siphon is used to route eighty percent of stormwater drainage, due to the City of Indianapolis combined sewer elimination program. Thus, the stormwater drainage passes beneath the large box culvert bisecting the area. The design of the stormwater treatment structures follow the local requirements.





Local and State Governments


Indianapolis, Indiana