Tappan Lake Park Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)

As part of a district-wide major parks improvement program, the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) hired DLZ to design the improvements to the Tappan Lake Park’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The existing treatment plant is a partial mixed, aerated lagoon system with continuous discharge. It consists of two aerated lagoons, chlorine disinfection, and sodium bisulfite dichlorination.

WWTP improvements consist of upgrades to ensure the reliable operation of the 50,000 GPD wastewater treatment plant for the near term and future operation. WWTP work included rehabilitation of the existing lagoons, installing new blowers, installing a new diffused air system, and new headworks. Work also included the installation of sand filters, UV disinfection, post aeration, and effluent meter.

Rehabilitation of the existing lagoons included installing liners, re-shaping the lagoon base contour, stabilizing the lagoon dikes, and installing piping to allow for operation of the lagoons. The electrical system was upgraded to meet the ultimate power load.

Specifically, the work included the following improvements:

  • A new Septage Receiving Station and grinder station.
  • Existing lagoon rehabilitation, including embankment repairs, base contour establishment, side stabilization, and new synthetic liner and aeration diffuser system.
  • New self-enclosed positive displacement type aeration blowers installed on a concrete pad, air piping, and diffusers.
  • Sand filters using pre-cast panel walls and Tertiary Pump Station.
  • Ultraviolet disinfection system and post aeration improvements using pre-cast vaults.
  • Effluent flow metering using a Parshall flume.
  • Site work, including fencing, grading, access road improvements, seeding, and mulching of all disturbed areas.
  • Electrical system upgrades included a standby generator in a sound-proof enclosure mounted on a concrete pad. Three-phase power extended underground to a pad-mounted transformer and distribution panelboards and provided site lighting.




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