USPS Fort Wayne P&DC Energy Conservation Project
DLZ performed professional design for the Energy Conservation and Lighting Upgrade project at the Fort Wayne Processing and Distribution Center, USPS Project.
The following energy conservation opportunities were implemented as part of this project:
- Replace all existing HID metal halide light fixtures on the Work Floor and Loading Dock with new high-bay T8 fluorescent light fixtures.
- Install digital lighting control system for the Work Floor lighting with zone control for each work zone and each task area.
- Install occupancy sensors for all offices, conference rooms, restrooms, locker rooms, and other administrative areas.
- De-lamp excessive lighting in offices, conference rooms, restrooms, locker rooms, and other administrative areas.
- Install digital timer switches for ceiling fan control.
- Replace incandescent lamps with compact fluorescent lamps.
- Install a new deduct water meter for water being used at the cooling tower.
- Replace faucet aerators with low-flow aerators.
DLZ performed the following services for USPS Fort Wayne P&DC:
- Investigative Study
- A/E Design
- Lighting Photometric Calculations
- Energy Compliance Certification
- Construction Administration
- Commissioning
- Measurement and Verification
The overall project results in a savings of approximately:
- $41,149 per year in electric utility costs
- $3,457 per year in water and sewer costs
- $7,901 per year in maintenance costs
- Total savings of approximately $52,507 per year