Utilities Planning Project to Update Water Distribution System

DLZ recently undertook a utilities planning project to update the existing water distribution system capital improvements plan in Whiting, Indiana. DLZ had originally developed the plan in 2007. The water distribution component to this project includes upgrading the hydraulic model and Geographic Information System (GIS) to reflect the many projects the City has completed in the past several years. Components of this study include:

  • Hydrant testing to calibrate the water distribution system model
  • Development of future and review of existing water system demands
  • Development of water distribution system alternatives to improve the City’s ISO rating
  • Evaluation of emergency water interconnects to neighboring communities
  • Preparation of opinions of probable construction cost

The utilities planning effort includes a review of the existing wastewater collection and stormwater system, including the coordination of video inspection of the community’s combined sewer system.

Analyze/Develop Alternatives | 3 Months

  • Hydraulic Calculations
  • Develop Alternatives
  • Evaluate Utilities
  • Develop Preliminary Layout Schematics

Cost Estimate/Implementation/Schedule | 3 Months

  • Develop Opinions of Probable Construction Cost
  • Evaluate Shut-downs and Tie-ins
  • Meet with Town to Discuss Costs and Implement Routine Strategies

Water main design and construction projects resulting from this master plan, designed by DLZ, include:

  • 118th Street Water Main – 1,300 feet 8-Inch
  • Ohio Street Water Main – 1,700 feet 10-inch
  • Atchison Avenue Water Main – 2,000 feet 8-inch

Public Education/Awareness | Throughout

  • Facilitate Meetings (council, board, town hall, ratepayer meetings)

Submit Final Plan | 1 Month




Local and State Governments


Whiting, Indiana