High Definition Laser Scanning
Taking productivity to the next level, DLZ has implemented various laser scanners into the field. The use of high definition laser scanning on projects has a number of benefits. Primarily, it has the ability to safely collect data in areas otherwise deemed too dangerous or confined to physically occupy. In addition, it provides real-time data enabling direct measurement between objects in the field with the ability to evaluate additional data and measurements at any time without revisiting the site.
Our scanners can collect up to 500,000 points per second. Every point that is collected has a true coordinate position that accurately represents the true as-built condition in a 3-D format. DLZ is excited to incorporate these scanners, coupled with other high-accuracy survey technology, to create a bottom line, cost-effective approach to your next civil, industrial, or architectural project.
High definition laser scanning applications include, but are not limited to:
- 3-D modeling and animation
- The backdrop for both design and construction
- Building renovations, expansions, and build-outs
- Conflict analysis/clash detection
- Construction quality assurance
- Emergency and accident documentation
- Fabrication surveys
- Facilities mapping (GIS/BIM)
- Final as-builts
- Monitoring deformations and also building movement
- Physical security inspections
- Progress surveys
- Reverse engineering
- Topographic surveys
- Deliverables include, but are not limited to:
– 3-D models
– 2-D plans
– Elevations, cross-sections, and profiles
– Volume calculations
Other benefits of high definition laser scanning technology also include speed, accuracy, and quantity of data collected.
Need to find a safe solution for your next project? If so, get in touch with us today to find out more about what high definition laser scanning can do for you.